Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Joe Singh - When did you last get an email from your hairdresser?

Dear Joe Singh

Today I want to share with you one of the key ingredients for your Entrepreneurial success.

It's Free and you can do it right now but I can guarantee that virtually none of your competitors are doing it.

What is it? It's thinking outside the box. It's taking a step back from your business and looking at your marketing in a totally new way.

Let me explain. Most businesses are trapped in a prison. It's the prison that says they have to market in the same way that everyone else in their profession markets. So all the plumbers advertise in the yellow pages, all the hairdressers advertise in the local paper, all the double glazing companies use telemarketing etc etc.

If you are similar to 95% of businesses, you probably use just one or two primary ways to market and grow your business. Perhaps it's advertising. Perhaps it's referrals, or direct mail. I understand why you're doing it but you need to know that only using one or two marketing approaches is seriously limiting your profits and your potential. So here's my question for you: What would happen if over the next few months you doubled that to four or five prime ways of marketing? Then, over the next few months you were to double it again, so that you were using up to 10 prime ways of marketing to maximise your customer base and your profitability?

I'll tell you what will happen. You'll achieve what everyone continually tells me is 'impossible.' You'll increase your profits by 50% or 100% or more. I've seen it happen again and again with my clients and those rare business owners and managers who are willing to decide to make Marketing excellence their top priority.

At this point people normally start coming up with excuses. 'I haven't got time' or 'I don't understand Marketing' are the most frequent. Great, so start with the simple stuff. Let me give you an example: When did you last get an email from your hairdresser? Instead of putting all their efforts into advertising, what would happen if your hairdresser took your email address next time you visited and sent you the occasional email making you a special offer, or asking if you would like to make an appointment, or asking for referrals? If they did that continually across the business they would probably increase their re-booking rate by 20-50% and their rate of referrals could easily double. And it will have cost them virtually nothing.

So here's what I do when I start working with clients and I would like to offer it to you as a gift now. Have a look at this list of ten prime ways of marketing. If you're serious about growing your business, pick at least two that you're either not doing, or not doing very well - and MAKE A DECISION to add them to your marketing mix in the weeks and months ahead:

Direct Mail
Internet Marketing
Email Marketing
Pay per Click Advertising
Newspaper / Magazine Advertising
Telephone Marketing
Direct Sales
Strategic Alliances
Up-selling existing customers/clients
Referral Systems

It all boils down to the extent to which you are prepared to 'step outside the box' and test new and innovative marketing approaches. Most businesses are not willing to do this. It's all too much effort and they're more interested in wallowing in their marketing ignorance, which is why most businesses in the UK are living examples of mediocrity in action. I believe that you are more than that - otherwise our paths would not have crossed. Your thinking is one of the key factors in determining your levels of success so 'Think Differently' and have some fun.

For more information on Entrepreneurial success, visit

Feel free to forward this email on to anyone who will find it useful. If they receive this message and want to receive my emails, they need to go to to register.

Best wishes

Chris Cardell
Leading Edge Information to Grow your Business and Increase your Profits

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:


Monday, 29 March 2010

Joe Singh, 41 Places

Dear Joe Singh,

We've had a huge response for tomorrow's (Tuesday's) exclusive live evening event in London....we've got just 41 places left.

If you run a business, are in the South East - and want to discover the most effective ways to accelerate your profits - fast, come to London tomorrow night and join me for what could be a real turning point for you and your business. Details are here:

We can fit just 41 more people in and when those places are gone, we'll be closing bookings. The event is called 'Business Breakthroughs
- 21 Proven Strategies to grow your Business, increase your Sales and boost your Profits.

Full details here....please don't miss out:

Best wishes

Chris Cardell

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Joe Singh, Your Business Breakthroughs - Live

Dear Joe Singh,

Next Tuesday evening, Live, I am going to be powering through the 21 most important strategies to grow your business and increase your profits.

I'll be showing you how hundreds of our members are achieving profit increases of 50-250%. If you're anywhere within reach of London and you haven't yet reserved your place for this exclusive event, you can do so now, here:

This two hour evening event in Central London will give you all you need to take your business to the next level - from Marketing to online Marketing - and the most powerful, effective sales strategies available.

We're 80% booked, so please confirm your place now, here:

Best wishes
Chris Cardell

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Joe Singh - Some Advertising Secrets for You

Dear Joe Singh

Of all the ways to waste money on Marketing, advertising seems to be everyone's favourite - so today we're looking at how to get better results from your advertising.

First - be aware that there are many more effective ways to market than just advertising. In my experience, many businesses depend too heavily on advertising, when there are many more effective ways to market. In addition, advertising can be one of the most expensive marketing options. So I would always look at more cost effective marketing strategies before we get to advertising. But if you are advertising already, or plan to in the future, here are some basics on what works and what doesn't.

First of all, stop any advertising that isn't working.

That may sound ridiculously obvious but you would be amazed at how many people are running ads just because that's what their business has always done and they don't really know whether the ads are working.

Secondly, you wont know whether the ads are working unless you test and measure all of your advertising. I spoke about testing last time - but it's so important. So many businesses just allocate a certain amount of money to an advertising budget, spend the money every year…and they've only got a vague sense of whether the ads are working or not. This is crazy. If your ads are working, you want to roll them out on a larger scale. If they're not, STOP and use the money on one of the dozens of other marketing strategies that can bring you a 100 or 200 or 300% return on your investments.

Third, only run ads that are going to produce a response. This is known as direct response advertising. The other form of advertising is institutional (or brand) advertising. This is what Coca-Cola and McDonalds engage in. It's designed to build and sustain awareness of their brand. If you're in a small or medium sized business, brand advertising is almost certainly a huge waste of money.

Unless you're a global multi national, the purpose of your ads must be to produce a response. Smart marketers are ruthless in only creating and paying for ads that produce a response - a profitable response.

In the ad itself the most important element is the headline. The headline is either the heading that goes at the top of the ad or if there's no heading it's the first words of the ad. The headline needs to grab peoples' attention. One change in a headline can produce a 50 -100% increase in response. (TIP: If the headline of your ad is currently the name of your company, you can almost certainly increase the response rate by changing the headline.)

The copy of your ad needs to be a personal communication to the individual reading it. And it needs to be about them. It needs to address their needs, desires and fears and it needs to constantly communicate the benefits of what you are offering. At the end of the ad you need a call to action. Tell people exactly what they need to do to follow through and make it easy for them to do so.

Here are some other fundamentals of advertising: Don't advertise on a left hand page. This has been tested again and again. When you read a publication, your eyes are drawn to the right hand page as you flick through, so statistically more people will see your ad if it's on the right hand page.

Never pay the full rate for advertising. Most advertising rate cards are far too high and you can always negotiate. If you're a small business remember that large companies who use ad agencies are buying based on the readership or audience levels rather than the rate card - so haggle and negotiate. If you can pay 20 or 30% less for your advertising it can sometimes turn an unprofitable ad campaign into a successful one.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is advertising in publications just because their competitors are in them. Don't for a minute think that all your competitors are there because their ads are producing great results. They're more likely to be there because everyone else is and most of them wont have a clue whether their ads are working. The only criteria for advertising anywhere is if the ad produces great results for you.

Once again, my experience is that many businesses are wasting money on ineffective advertising when they could be getting a much better return on other forms of marketing (Direct Mail, Telephone Marketing, Direct Sales, Email, Internet, Referrals, Strategic Alliances etc) But if you do it well and test and experiment, advertising can become a highly profitable element of your marketing mix.

For more information on Entrepreneurial success, visit

Feel free to forward this email on to anyone who will find it useful. If they receive this message and want to receive my emails, they need to go to to register.

Best wishes

Chris Cardell
Leading Edge Information to Grow your Business and Increase your Profits

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:


Monday, 22 March 2010

fname, London Calling

Dear Joe Singh,

If you're anywhere near London, next Tuesday 30 March, I would love you to join me for an exclusive two hour live evening event, where I'll be revealing the latest, most effective strategies for rapid and powerful business growth.

The evening is called 'Business Breakthroughs – 21 Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business, increase your Sales and boost your Profits.'

This two hour event starts at 7:30pm, next Tuesday 30 March in Central London. It's the first event of its type I've held for 10 years – and I'll be revealing the most important Marketing, Internet Marketing and Sales strategies that we are seeing producing extraordinary results for Entrepreneurs across Britain.

If you're anywhere near the South East and you're serious about taking your business to the next level, come and join me for a great evening.

Full details are here:

The places for this event are going to go extremely fast, so reserve yours now – and bring colleagues and other business owners too.

Best wishes

Chris Cardell

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Joe Singh, Your Internet Marketing Tips from Chris Cardell

Dear Joe Singh,

Thank you for signing up for my Free information on Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurial Success.

This email has 7 specific Online success strategies that I think you'll find useful.

First, Why should you take any notice of me?
I'm the leading provider of sales and marketing success information to business owners in the UK and throughout Europe. I've been featured on BBC, ITV, News at Ten and The Sunday Times. I combine leading edge Business, Marketing and Entrepreneur success skills – with the Advanced Thinking strategies of the world's highest achievers. I'm renowned for being able to show business owners like yourself how to increase your profits by 50-250%.

Second, I'll tell it to you like it is. I do believe that you have the potential for great Entrepreneurial success – but I also know that it's not always a straightforward path. If you're like most business owners, you're being bombarded with people trying to rip you off – from advertising companies to web site designers. As if that's not enough, finding out what really works in growing a business can be another huge challenge.

So my role is to sort through all of this for you and do all the hard work for you... so I can provide you with the clearest and simplest strategies for boosting the results of your Internet marketing and make your sales soar.

And here's the best news of all: Internet marketing success is really much easier than many people think, because it all really boils down to some very simple fundamentals.

I'd like to share 7 of the main Internet Marketing strategies with you here now, then in future emails we'll move onto the specifics of increasing your profits as rapidly as possible.

  • Don't treat your website as being peripheral to your business. The Internet has grown and technology has matured to the point where your website needs to be tightly integrated with your whole business. Get it right, and your website can become the engine driving a substantial portion of your profits.
  • Your website should not be an online brochure full of stuff all about YOU. No one is really interested in you or what you do. What they want to know is what you can do for them. The vast majority of people coming to your website have a problem or need, and they're looking for information and a solution. With very rare exceptions to the contrary, they are not looking for you specifically.
  • When someone lands on your site, you have around 8 seconds to give them a reason to stay for a while and then keep coming back. Best way to do this is begin a relationship with them – and the best way to do this is to begin the relationship by giving. Give them something of value – and since they are usually looking for information, give them what they're looking for. Do it right, by giving them quality information they can use, then you can develop the relationship further and convert them to paying customers and clients.
  • Collect names and email addresses. The purpose of your website is to make money for your business. That does not necessarily mean selling products right "off the page". Most people find the best use of a website is to act as the catalyst to begin the relationship, and for the sale to take place afterwards. And how is the sale progressed and made? By emailing the people who've left their details in return for the free information you offer them.
  • Experiment with different media on your website. With high-bandwidth Internet being cheap and widespread, there is no reason for you to restrict your website to just text and pictures. Video and audio on your website can increase response dramatically.
  • Experiment with different traffic-driving strategies. I'm a great fan of Google AdWords and "pay per click", although it is important to get it right (I'll share the exact strategies you need in upcoming emails). But natural search, Internet advertising (sometimes called "banner advertising"), and even offline advertising to drive traffic online are all worth experimenting with. The "secret" here is testing. Try something, and then measure how well it does. If it makes you a profit, or even breaks even, do more of it. There are no "rules" - because what works, works. No one can guarantee any one strategy will pay off, but we can guarantee that if we keep testing and measuring, we'll find something which does. When you hit that "sweet spot", you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
  • Put your phone line EVERYWHERE on your website. There's still a significant proportion of the population who want personal contact with the people they buy from. So make it easy for visitors to contact you and you'll see a significant increase in your conversion rate.

Nothing I tell you will ever be theory. My own business is worth over £20 million but getting there was not always easy. All my strategies were developed in 'the trenches'. If I can save you from some of the hurdles I had to jump over, I will have done a good job.

I'll speak to you again soon.

Best wishes

Chris Cardell

P.S. I have two very special Free gifts for you as a 'thank you' for your interest in my work. The first Free gift is my six CD set 'Essential Profit Strategies' which contains vital information for you on how to increase your profits. These six CDs are valued at £295 but are yours FREE of charge. The second gift is a Free membership to my VIP Inner Circle for two full months. Claim your two free gifts here: Click Here for your Two Free Gifts

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here:

Joe Singh, The Source of Entrepreneurial Wealth

Dear Joe Singh,
As Entrepreneurs, we have only one source of wealth. It's not our talent or expertise. It's not even our product or service.
Our only source of wealth is our customers.
Yet it's very easy to neglect that source of wealth.
Today I want to focus on one of the most overlooked elements of Entrepreneurial success - your communications with your existing customers.
Most marketing efforts focus on acquiring new customers. But I've yet to find a business that is maximizing its marketing to its existing customers.
I would take this a step further. When I speak to a business owner, I know without a doubt that they are sitting on a goldmine. This goldmine consists of the wealth that is hidden in their relationships with their current customers.
How do you access that goldmine? By answering these questions:
What do you have to offer your existing customers? When did you last let them know? What are you not offering existing customers that you could be offering them? When did you last send a letter to your customers? When did you last email them? Did you measure the response? When did you last call them? What would happen if you doubled your contact with them this year? When you do communicate with them, what more could you be doing to clearly explain the specific benefits that they will experience?
I once helped an Entrepreneur who generated £300,000 by sending a brochure to their clients once a year. I asked what would happen if they sent the brochure twice a year. It might seem an obvious question but the thought had never even crossed their mind. We did it (and a lot more) and it generated a fortune for them.
This is not an unusual story. We are all so close to our businesses that it is often a challenge to step back and look at the obvious - the elusive obvious.
Here are some more useful questions: How often do you communicate with your customers by direct mail? Do you test and measure the response? Do you spend at least 15 minutes each month thinking of an exclusive offer you can make to your existing customers? Do you say 'thank you' to your customers either by letter, email or telephone? Do you ask your customers for referrals? If you have a limited service or product line - do you know of additional companies, products or services that your customers could benefit from?
There are hundreds of great marketing strategies for getting new customers. But before that, you need to nurture your relationships with your existing customers. It is the first key to the goldmine.
Best wishes
Chris Cardell
Leading Edge Information to Grow your Business and Increase your Profits Chris Cardell

Cardell Media Ltd
1 Northumberland Avenue
Trafalgar Square

If you do not wish to receive any further communications from Chris Cardell, click here: